4-year-old Golden retriever gains popularity online for adorable way he “admires” his toys

4-year-old Golden retriever gains popularity online for adorable way he “admires” his toys

In the digital age, pets often become online celebrities.

One 4-year-old Golden Retriever named Teddy has carved out his niche.

His claim to fame? An adorable habit of “admiring” his toys.

It’s a habit that his owner Jonathan has developed a soft spot for, and he loves nothing more than sharing them with the world.

Instagram – GuyandAGolden

Instagram – GuyandAGolden

Teddy, alongside his human, Jonathan, engages in a unique ritual each morning.

After their walk, Teddy selects a toy from his vast collection.

But instead of immediately engaging in a playful frenzy, Teddy sits and stares at it with what can only be described as reverence.

These are moments that Jonathan has lovingly captured and shared with the world.

Instagram – GuyandAGolden

Instagram – GuyandAGolden

Observers might wonder what goes through Teddy’s mind during these moments.

His behavior is a departure from the typical dog-toy interaction, suggesting a deeper appreciation or perhaps a moment of choosing the day’s favorite.

This peculiar habit has sparked curiosity and delight among viewers, leading Jonathan to share more of these moments online.

Under their Instagram handle, AGuyandAGolden, you can see all of Teddy’s love-bombing antics at work.

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A post shared by AGuyandAGolden (@aguyandagoldenn)

And we call it love-bombing for a reason. Teddy’s got a bit of a bad habit when it comes to turning on his most loved toys sometimes.

He just can’t help himself, they’re so fun to pull apart. But before that comes the love affair.

It’s this tiny moment of sheer adoration, that millions on the internet can’t get enough of.

No wonder his Instagram has already amassed a following of 3.6 million people.

Instagram – GuyandAGolden

Instagram – GuyandAGolden

The video showcases a variety of these moments, each with Teddy giving his chosen toy the kind of attention you might expect from a connoisseur.

Whether it’s a squeaky rubber chicken or a well-loved stuffed bear, each toy gets its moment in the spotlight.

Viewer comments reflect the joy Teddy and Jonathan’s videos bring:

“I am so glad Teddy and Jonathan got noticed on the news media❤ They bring so much joy❤❤❤❤” and “This is my favorite thing online! 💕❤️💕❤️”.

Instagram – GuyandAGolden

Instagram – GuyandAGolden

What makes Teddy’s story resonate with so many is the universal language of love and care.

In a world that often moves too fast, his actions remind us to appreciate the simple joys and the things we hold dear.

The overwhelming response to the video, with viewers sharing their own stories of pet personalities, shows the special bond between pets and their humans.

YouTube – Good Morning America

YouTube – Good Morning America

Teddy’s way of admiring his toys is a lesson in mindfulness and gratitude.

It’s a sentiment echoed by the media’s adoration and the massive online following they’ve garnered.

Instagram – GuyandAGolden

Instagram – GuyandAGolden

Responsible with the power of his reach, Jonathan makes other videos, too, and they’re just as likely to make you swoon.

The only difference is that, in these videos, Teddy isn’t the star – another shelter of is.

Each week, Jonathan picks up a shelter dog from the PAWS Shelter in Anderson County, South Carolina to take them on the best of doggy dates.

It’s a great way to expose all those millions of people to other equally amazing dogs in need of a forever home.

It also brings more awareness to the issue of the need for pet adopters.

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A post shared by AGuyandAGolden (@aguyandagoldenn)

The shared moments on their channel are so heartwarming that even Good Morning America has taken an interest.

See Jonathan’s interview with GMA and snatch a few heart-melting glimpses of Teddy and his toys below!

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