Mom’s distraught at dog’s funeral but 2 days later finds out she’s alive

Mom’s distraught at dog’s funeral but 2 days later finds out she’s alive

In the quaint town of Suffolk, East Anglia, Codie Hutton and her beloved springer spaniel, Maisie, shared an unbreakable bond for nine years.

Maisie wasn’t just a pet; she was a cherished family member, growing up alongside Codie and becoming her best friend over the last three years.

Facebook – Codie Hutton

Facebook – Codie Hutton

The Hutton family adored their four-legged companion and couldn’t fathom a life without Maisie.

However, their world turned upside down one fateful November day.

Codie was on a long drive with Maisie when she stopped to let her dog stretch her legs.

Suddenly, a firework exploded nearby, startling Maisie.

Codie told East Anglian Daily Times:

“She just bolted. Straight out of the car.”

Unsplash – Bryan Lopez

Unsplash – Bryan Lopez

Codie knew Maisie well and expected her to return after hiding behind some bushes.

But this time, Maisie didn’t come back.

Hours passed, and Codie, along with her father, grew increasingly worried about their missing pet.

YouTube – This Morning

YouTube – This Morning

Their concern escalated when they learned that Maisie had been spotted far from where they had parked.

Codie shared:

“Someone saw her get clipped by a car, which was a blessing in disguise as she wasn’t hurt and it altered her course away from the A12.”

Codie and her father spent a restless night at the last known location of Maisie, hoping to resume their search in the morning.

YouTube – This Morning

YouTube – This Morning

The next day brought devastating news.

They received a call about a dog-like creature found flattened, and Codie was asked to confirm if it was Maisie.

Despite the vets’ inability to find a microchip, the markings on the animal’s legs convinced Codie it was her beloved Maisie.

Facebook – Codie Hutton

Facebook – Codie Hutton

As to be expected, the mom and her family were devastated.

Heartbroken, Codie took the animal home and buried it in their backyard, even telling her 3-year-old son that Maisie was now a star in doggy heaven.

The family tried to come to terms with their loss, but a surprising call a few days later reignited a glimmer of hope.

YouTube – This Morning

YouTube – This Morning

The call was about a dog resembling Maisie, spotted miles away.

They received a photo, but Codie was cautious, not wanting to be disappointed again.

Nevertheless, she and her father drove to the location, and what happened next was nothing short of miraculous.

YouTube – This Morning

YouTube – This Morning

As soon as they arrived, it was clear it was their Maisie.

The dog was overjoyed, wagging her tail and whimpering in Codie’s arms.

It was an emotional reunion, and Codie’s 3-year-old son, Tylen, was thrilled to have his best friend back.

YouTube – This Morning

YouTube – This Morning

The twist in the tale?

The animal they had buried turned out to be likely a fox, not Maisie.

Codie told East Anglian Daily Times:

“I thought she was gone. I thought I was never going to see her again. I still couldn’t believe it was my Maisie.”

Check out the video below to hear Codie talk about this incredible story!

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